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A Taste of Lox & Vodka
From our Heavy Shtetl CD - SOLD OUT
From our Celebrate Shabbat CD
Music on CD
Heavy Shtetl
Celebrate Shabbat
A Chanukkah Feast
"HEAVY SHTETL," a marvelous compilation of the wide breadth and soulful, exciting style of music we perform
Tracks: Fast Freilach A Dudele/Klezmer Medley Oi Tate Gasn Nigun Jerusalem of Gold Ellis Island Freilach (original) Swing Medley Ot Azoy Russian Medley El Haderech Sh'ma (original) Zeese Bulgar Adon Olam Virtual Klezmer (original) Firn De Mekhatunim Rivkele Rumania, Rumania
To purchase this CD online, click:
Online Review: Lox & Vodka -- Heavy Shtetl, "I love this album!" George Robinson, Author of Essential Judaism, Published in hardcover by Pocket Books
"I've been listening to your tapes in my car when I drive around and I'm trying to pick an appropriate piece, or section of a piece to have along with our reception photographs (for our videotape). I keep falling in love, again and again, with your music. I've become a BIG fan! And the funny thing is that no matter how many times I hear a particular piece, it's all full with so much energy and life, it's like the first time I'm hearing it! Amazing."
"Through Heavy Shtetl Lox & Vodka makes a wonderful and important contribution to Jewish music. It makes it alive in a vibrant and exciting way."
Tracy Salkowitz, Executive Director, American Jewish Congress, Northern Pacific Region
"Lox & Vodka's album Heavy Shtetl adds an exciting flaovr, both in our gallery and in the stuido where I do my painting. The music creates a shtetl mood - we enjoy it very much!"
Renate Dollinger, artist, Salem, Oregon
Music on CD
Heavy Shtetl
Celebrate Shabbat
A Chanukkah Feast
"CELEBRATE SHABBAT," a wonderful, upbeat and uplifting array of favorite Shabbat z'mirot for all ages.
Tracks: Shalom Aleichem Open Your Heart (original) Blessing over the candles Shabbat Shalom Sing-A-Long Song Blessings over the children Our Children Are Blessings (original) Esa Enai Kiddush Thank You G-d Motzi Shema Rise & Shine Great Big Stars When I Sing On Shabbos (original) Mizmor Shir L'Yom HaShabbat This Little Light Of Mine Shalom Aleichem (reprise)
To purchase this CD online, click:
The Westchester Jewish Week Logo"Celebrate Shabbat!" (Gan Ha Yeled/Adas Israel of Washington D.C.)
"Caron Dale, leader of D.C.'s excellent klezmer band Lox and Vodka, is also an early childhood educator, and this charming CD is the product of her work under that hat. Imagine Woody Guthrie's children's songs gone Jewish, and you'll have some idea what this set is like. Most of the musicians are members of Lox and Vodka, so the musicianship is on a pretty high level, but young children will be utterly unintimidated. And adults will be pleased too. Not the sort of thing I normally care for, but this is a keeper."
"We bought your "Celebrate Shabbat" CD and my 2 1/2 year old son Adam LOVES it! We have to listen to it every time we're in the car (and I mean EVERY TIME since we bought it - "shabbat CD in mommy's car" he says). He just about knows all the words! (and we do too!). After most of the songs he lets out a "good song" and during the Shabbat Shalom - hey! song, he almost always substitutes a new word for 'hey' (it could be firetruck, boat, pretzel, museum, noo noo car - whatever!! - it's very cute)."
"What smiles and joy on my children’s faces this CD has brought not only make Shabbat special, but everyday."
Music on CD
Heavy Shtetl
Celebrate Shabbat
A Chanukkah Feast
"A Chanukah Feast," musical celebration featuring various artists.
Tracks: O Khanuke, O Khanuke These Chanuka Lights Are a Sign Ocho Kandelikas Get Your Chanukah On (I Have a Little) Dreydl O, Ir Kleyne Likhtelekh (Oh, You Little Candlelights) Al Hanissim/Adir Hu Banu Choshech L'Gareish (Banish Night) Haneirot Halalu Dreidl Time Mi Y'Malel (Who Can Retell) Honky Tonk Hanukkah Feel the Holiday Cheer On Christmas I Got Nothing Hanuka, Hanuka If You're a Macabee (Then You're a Hammer) Hebrew Blues Rebbe Elimelech Chanukah Chag Yafe Ma O'Tzur
To purchase this CD online, click:
Hungry for Music's* twenty-first CD release is an eclectic collection of twenty Chanukah songs entitled "A Chanukah Feast." On "A Chanukah Feast" you will find everything from klezmer to honky tonk to hip hop and more. There are traditional Chanukah songs as well as original ones.
Lox & Vodka is delighted to have been asked to contribute to this CD. We recorded, "These Chanukah Lights Are A Sign," with original lyrics by our own Caron Dale, put to a traditional gospel melody.
"... Then Lox and Vodka, from slightly to the north in Washington, DC, do a rather excellent Jewish take on the old spiritual, "These Chanukah lights are a sign," ... Now, this is a great way to celebrate the Festival of Lights! Enjoy."
Reviewed by Ari Davidow, 11/22/04
*Hungry For Music's primary mission is to inspire disadvantaged children (and others) by bringing positive musical and creative experiences into their lives. Every CD you buy from HFM provides funds needed to maintain their musical instrument distribution program for inner city kids in Washington, D.C. Your purchases also support their concert programs and creativity workshops for kids. Hungry for Music is also involved in presenting concerts at Washington, D.C. area homeless shelters and retirement homes.